
Ian Rodgers

A Rochester native, Ian began dancing at the age of 19 when he took his first ballet class at the University of New Hampshire. What began as just a way to fulfill the college art gen-ed requirement quickly changed into a passion for artistic expression through movement. Ian credits his ability to start dancing later in life to the many years spent practicing and teaching gymnastics, which helped to develop instincts for body control and spatial awareness.  

Over the last 15+ years his love of dance has grown into a diverse professional career collaborating with many studios and professional dancers across the Seacoast area. Though ballet is the foundation of his dance training, Ian has also studied contemporary ballet, modern, Ballroom, Latin, and traditional folklore dance styles. He also teaches ballet partnering workshops.

When he?s not dancing, Ian enjoys spending his free time being active outdoors and is a serious nature enthusiast. He has a degree in Zoology and works for a land conservation agency protecting farms and wetlands across New Hampshire.